Iron Man 3 from IMDB

Iron Man 3 is less Iron, more Man-but very entertaining

The next movie after an excellent movie is challenging.  Iron Man 3 and The Dark Knight Rises should go bowling.  They’d talk about how great they were, mention their previous entries and then Iron Man mentions that  his  previous movie was actually The Avengers.  Then Batman would laugh, talk about the Justice League Movie (yeah…right) and Iron Man would go on talking about Avengers 2.

Iron Man 3 starts off with a series of flashbacks.  Tony Stark is going back to 1999 and the people that will greatly impact his life in current time.  Once the back story is established it flips to current time and Tony is not sleeping well, if at all.  The post New York and Avengers activity has freaked him out just a little bit.

He’s just a man in a can, while the other superheroes around him are Gods, Hulks, have an endless supply of arrows or show some cleavage as their superpower.   But this is Iron Man 3, a vehicle entirely devoted to Tony Stark , quit yer whining and start inventing and thinking I say to myself.

Iron Man 3 from IMDB

Stark stays up late doing secret things in his laboratory while a worldwide terrorist, The Mandarin, goes about blowing things up.  At the same time a mysterious figure from 1999 has a meeting with Pepper Potts.

The first 25 minutes of the movie drags just a bit.  However, once The Mandarin’s terrorist attacks intersects with Tony Stark’s world the movie finally takes off.  After that the movie goes through an unexpected pace with Tony Stark spending most of the time out of the iron suit.

It would not be cool to tell you the surprises and twists of the movie.  They aren’t grand surprises, but they are nice, slightly unexpected and play well on the big screen.  The action is fast, highly computer generated with the story having enough humanity and heart to make the sell.

48 hours ago

What a disappointing movie.  It was loud, full of CGI, a super villain that was a let-down, a male (humorous? Sidekick) that was annoying and not enough time being a superhero.  I need to re-watch The Avengers to remind of why this character was cool.  And what was the hubbub about added footage being added for the Chinese market?

24 hours ago

Maybe Iron Man 3 wasn’t so bad.  It was entertaining, had plenty of action , a nice super villain twist and a good update to Iron Man’s suit.

12 hours ago

Iron Man 3 is like inverse Chinese food.   Is it possible that my expectations were too high for the move in a post Avengers world?  That is possible.  Is Iron Man 3 a good movie?  Yes, in hindsight it’s very entertaining, although it starts slow, but moves quickly once things are established.  It’s very enjoyable in the theater and especially on television, that you’ll enjoy watching over and over.

However, the 3D is totally not needed

Having walked  you through the entire inverse Chinese food theory of Iron Man 3 the 3D elements were forgettable and had no impact at all.  See the movie in 2d, if that’s an option.

Bottom Line

Iron Man 3 is in no way The Avengers.  However, Tony Stark gives you a wink/wink letting you know that this is not The Avengers.  And that’s great because this is still a very entertaining movie that is fine on its own.  The best parts of Iron Man 3 are when Tony Stark is out of the suit and interacting with a 10 year old boy.  The action sequences are solid, it’s summer, enjoy yourself.

There are several trailers online.  This is the best one that will provide the most effective feel for the movie.


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Daddy Mojo

Daddy Mojo is a blog written by Trey Burley, a stay at home dad, fanboy, husband and father. At Daddy Mojo we'll chat about home improvement, giveaways, family, children and poop culture. You can find out more about us at

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